This is way out of left field. I just think things, and need to get them off my chest, so here goes:
I'm a Mom of three teenage girls. I know, right? I'm not a perfect parent. I know I'm not. Wanna know how I know? Cause there's no such thing.
The only perfect parent out there is the person with tons of theories, and zero children. Guess what smarty pants? Real, live children don't follow or give a good crap about theories.
If you do not have children; If you are never around children; If you have no experience with children, then I don't wanna hear your theories on how to better raise mine. Keep your theories and opinions to yourself.
Now, If you're someone that works with children, teaches children, or babysits children, then yes, tell me your theories because you probably do have a better idea of how to raise mine!!
That's all. :) Have a nice day.